It might be a good time to grab discounted outdoor products right now as the summer is coming to an end. Some outdoor equipment retailers, just like, are currently running stunning sales. Indeed they need to get rid of the summer’s stock to be able to fit in the stock for winter sports.
For a limited time only, the more you buy from Sierra Trading Post the more you save. Enter the below promo code at checkout and save 20% on purchases of $75+, 25% off orders of $125+ or 30% off if you buy a total of $150 or more.

Sierra Trading Post is also having a fall sale right now where select items are already discounted up to 25% off their regular price. This means that if you meet the minimum spend requirement to get 30% off your purchase with the above coupon, you might get a total of 55% discount if the item was already reduced. This is what we call awesome money savings!