Porter has been throwing some awesome deals in the last few months and they are at it again! Until midnight of the 18th June 2012, book online for travel before December 14th, 2012 and save 50% off base fares. Now, keep in mind that you still have to pay for fees and taxes, but a 50% off discount is nothing to turn your nose up at.
For example, I was able to find a flight – round trip from Montreal to Toronto for a grand total of $326.40. That’s a saving of $217.32 for a round trip flight; as a bonus, I imputed weekend dates, which have a tendency to be pricier. Just imagine the savings if you were to fly during the week. If you’ve been contemplating visiting family in the following months, consider buying your tickets today to save a ton on money.
For all other promotions see our dedicated FlyPorter.com page.