Back in August, I had written and bought a Kobo eReader at Chapters. I should have waited because you lucky people are getting an even better offer than I did! For a limited time, pick up this sensational piece of technology and get a free $20 gift card in the process.
Our Chapters Indigo page is also filled with codes for you to save on ebooks and the purchase of your Kobo. I’ve conveniently placed one of them here for you:
Take note that this offer finishes the 18th of November too, just like the code.
I can’t begin to describe my extreme fondness to this gadget and my adoration for it. It has changed my daily commute to what was boring to a perfect time to catch up on my reading and, because it’s not heavy and pretty lightweight, it can be taken anywhere I go.
When the last deal came out, it was a $15 gift card they were giving away and I managed to snag a free case for my eReader because of it. There was a super girly pink case that was reduced from $40 to $15 the day I went in; all I had to pay was for the tax and it was mine. There’s also a bunch of covers priced at $20 right now, as well, like this Red Cover at 43% off. How’s that for a deal?
The eReader itself it $99, but read Margarita’s article on how to save on books, including eBooks to find out why you get your money’s worth when it comes to this device.
I love my Kobo, do you?
Expires: 18th November, 2012
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