Open an account ING DIRECT and you can get a $25 bonus! When you open an ING DIRECT account – be it an Investment Savings Account, RSP, or GIC with a minimum of $100 you get a $25 bonus.
Promotion Expired!
Visit to learn more, or visit P.S. Don’t forget to include the ORANGE KEY 16395419S1 when you open an account to get your $25 bonus.

Get a $50 bonus when you open an account with a minimum deposit of $100. There are no fees associated with their chequings or savings account – no catch! $50 bonus is valid until August 31, 2012, $25 thereafter.
Enter Orange Key# 34602989S1 when siging up and voila! FREE MONEY!!!
Thanks for the heads up! I’m sure a lot of our users will appreciate it.
Here is a code good for all of 2012 for a $25 bonus opening a new account with $100 minimum starting balance:
39155080S1 (zero’s, not O’s)
The $50 codes expired Dec 31, 2011 :(
Just enter it where it asks for an orange key when you open a new account.
When you open an ING DIRECT account with a minimum balance of $100, we’ll start you off with a $25 bonus! All you have to do is enter Orange Key 14302435S1 and you’re set to save.
try ##### 35809562S1 (new)
it is working, with $25 bonus when you open an account with $100 deposit
1. sign up from…
2. When the form asks, use the orange key code 35809562S1 (new)
3. Deposit at least $100 with your initial bank verification cheque .
4. when you do not get the $25 bonus, you need to call them up and put it through
Note: policy may change to apply this code to a saving account, but you can get it no matter what type of account you open, just put it online or call them up, it will get through
Great deal for sure. Here’s a verified working code as of today: 14424363S1 you can check for working codes
Here’s an up to date key, works great!
Here is an up-to-date ING Direct Canada Orange Key good until 2015 for the $25 referral bonus 17465528S1
To sign up with this Orange Key go to:
Brand new Orange Key for 2011!
Orange Keys 17453092S1 and 34880608S1
Orange key: 32936841S1
Fresh key and will help an Astronomy grad student buy pizza
New and working ING Direct Orange Key Code – 34427019S1 – $25 Sign-up Bonus on $100 or more Initial Deposit
here is a new orange key that I just used to gt my free $25: 35339349S1
Start 2011 fresh with a NEW promotional key for ING Direct.
Get Your $25 bonus FREE with this promo code: 33042398S1
FREE $25 when opening a new account with $100 or more, just use Orange Key: 35237967S1
Happy New Year everyone :)
Start 2011 fresh with a NEW promotional key for ING Direct.
Get Your $25 bonus FREE with this promo code: 33042398S1
Happy New Year Savings!
When you open an ING DIRECT account – be it an Investment Savings Account, RSP, or GIC with a minimum of $100 we’ll start you off with a $25 bonus! Or if you’re looking for a mortgage, why not get an unmortgage with ING DIRECT and get a $25 bonus too!
All you have to do is enter ORANGE KEY 14302435S1 and you’re set to go.
Here’s another one: 14432262S1
Here is the orange key that worked for me and its new too. 34427019S1
Here is another orange key that will get you $25. 33849900S1
Here’s a fresh Orange Key: 34431191S1
those keys didnt work for me
17435786S1 worked for me
New Orange Key 34427019S1
Simply sign up for an online account with ING Direct Canada using Orange Key Code 34427019S1 and make an initial deposit of $100 or more and earn an instant $25 bonus deposit. You can also give this code to your friends and family so they can benefit from this bonus too.