It’s absolutely no secret at all that textbooks often cost a small fortune and as much as you may be tempted to try and skip out on getting the required or even recommended ones, it’s definitely not a good idea! Check instead for the textbook on your list and take advantage of the Exclusive that we have secured for you to save an extra 5% off all new and used books along with any college clothing you may want or need!
When you’re a student, it may seem inevitable to have to stand in line for a long stretch of time while clutching a number of very heavy books at your school’s bookstore, but as one of Canada’s premier couponing websites, we’re here to tell you that there is certainly a far better option. Sit, back, relax and head over to to check if the textbook you need is in stock and most importantly, if it’s available in a used copy. Not only will that save you more money, but it might even include extra notes in it to help you understand the course material better — a win-win if you ask us!
As for college apparel, they have a large selection dedicated to American colleges. So if you or your kid is heading across the border to study this upcoming semester, then make sure to get them some gear to start the semester off right. Take for instance the Harvard sweatshirt, which would be perfect for those early morning classes.
Have you ever bought textbooks online for yourself or your kids?
Expires: 30th September, 2013
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