So this was a new find for us today, a site called, which as far as we can tell is a completely new concept. The idea is to get a coupon organizer that holds your coupons and is whole system of tools designed to save you more money more consistently. Kind of vague I know, so if anyone out there really knows what this thing is let us know. For those of you interested in purchasing their organizer then it costs $19.95 plus shipping. But as a launch promotion they have provided our visitors here with a discount coupon for $1 off. Not lots but better than nothing, we don’t know when the code will expire so hurry if you want your discount.
Discount Code: SUMMER10
Expires: Unknown
Calling all visitors, we would be grateful if not only you would leave your comments about this brand but also do a Couponizer Review to share with us the latest news about this site (the good the bad and the ugly).
Discount Code: freelist08
Expires: Unknown