University students rejoice; Apple is giving you one less headache by helping you keep more money in your pocket to potentially spend on Ramen noodles. Until September 26th, when you buy a Ipad or Mac computer from Apple, you can get up to $210 in gift cards to spend on apps, music, movies… the works. A pretty sweet deal, if you ask me!
To qualify for this and to get special pricing, you must either be a university student, a student accepted to a university, a faculty or staff member from any grade level or a parent buying for a university student. There’s a bunch of deals and special pricing just for students so you can easily be on your way to academic greatness. When you purchase an Ipad, you will receive a $140 gift card and when you buy a Mac, you will receive a $210 gift card.
There’s a ton of great apps available to help you with your education and everyday life in general. There’s also Angry Birds for those other random moments!