This is a fantastic online exclusive deal from The Source and it is available until the end of November. Get the Blackberry 16GB Playbook for only $199.99, regularly priced $499.99. This is $300 off which is equivalent to a 60% off discount, something we rarely see in electronic stores. Of course, this type of discount wouldn’t be available on Playbooks if they were a total hit. But with one of the most powerful processors and crispiest images from any tablet out there (including the iPad 2), the Playbook is a steal.

I’m guessing this year tablets are going to be one of the most popular gifts under the Christmas trees in Canada. If that’s what you were going for, well it might be a good idea to check if Blackberry’s device is a good option for you, such an amazing discount will sure weigh in the balance.
I checked a few reviews online and they all seem to agree that this is probably not the best tablet available out there. Here’s the most complete review that I’ve found online on But it is still only $199.99, so I guess we could probably reconsider our needs to see if we really need to have the best tablet that is $300 more.
A few stores are doing this deal.
Apple, Blackberry, HP and Microsoft use their own operating system (OS).
HTC is planning their own OS, but working with Android for now.
Of course most of the tablets are using Google Android.
However, nothing will say I’M CANADIAN, like a Blackberry.
(please post)