Drop whatever you are doing and head over to either your local or online Chapters Indigo store to pick up a rare and opportune deal! For a limited time, you can score a Kobo Touch for $79.99, meaning $20 in savings and, trust me, this baby doesn’t go on sale often! Picture it like so: it’s as though a you have spotted a unicorn for the first time ever. That’s how rare it truly is.
Thankfully, the Chapters indigo coupon page is less rare.
Shop at Chapters Indigo Here
Expires: 27th January 2013
I know, I know — I constantly reference to my undying love for my kobo eReader but the more people I talk to, the more people have discovered it for themselves and thoroughly enjoy it as well.
Maybe it’s my gamer side that enjoys this more, but I love its display of the percentage of pages read as well as the overall stats about my reading. Looking quickly at mine, it says that I am at 63% of A Game of Thrones: A Song Of Ice and Fire and have read for 2.2 hours already. I have also read 3 books on it and have completed only 8% of my total library!
There is even a rewards system based on how much you read. Rewards are attributed for finishing a book, reading 5 times during lunch and so on — you get my point. It’s a nifty side-thing that is sure to keep you entertained.
Are you going to take advantage of this rare offer?