Looking to buy shoes online? Good, Softmoc.com have a Canadian site and for once shipping is reasonable. They have quite a few brand names in stock like Havaianas, Crocs and Puma and if you want to trek all the way to your local Softmoc store they will throw in free shipping on most items. As nearly always when we introduce a new store we supply a coupon, yayyyy! Okay don’t get too excited it’s a Softmoc Canada 10% off coupon, but still that’s nothing to turn your nose up to and the actual code is one after our own hearts.
Description: 10% off Softmoc Canada shoes.
Activate: Redeem Coupon
Code: “777000012678”
Best Before: 15th February 2010
Activate: Redeem Coupon
Code: “777000012678”
Best Before: 15th February 2010
Activate: Redeem Coupon
Code: “777000012620”
Best Before: unknown