When I was a kid, well teenager to be more precise I like many people my age then had an issue with spots, I didn’t technically have acne but it was bad-ish (I still have numerous pot marks from these horrible little things) and one of the products I used daily was made by OXY, I can’t remember the actual one I used however. So when we saw this freebie we thought there might be loads of us out there that would enjoy it.
The OXY freebie is for their OXY Clinical product. Simply fill out your address details and they will send you a free sample, even though it says enter your promo code, you can leave this blank. And then all you have to do is happily wait a few weeks for it to arrive. It looks like you get 3 samples; 1 OXY hydrating therapy, 1 OXY cleaning treatment and 1 OXY advanced face wash.
I want to know when completing questionnaire promo codes
thank you
Hi Inga. Thanks for writing to us, however I’m sorry but I’m not sure that I understand your question about this freebie. To receive your sample you simply need to click on the link and then to fill in your personal information.